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SPIDERY SENSORY PLAY: Friday, October 25, 10:45 am - 12:15 pm
Get in the mood for Halloween with some spider-themed sensory stations! (Don't worry, arachnaphobes... there won't be any REAL spiders there!) We know grownups love sensory things just as much as kids, so don't be afraid to get hands on! Please park in front of the building, and come up the ramp. $5 per family is requested.
WASHOUGAL PUMPKIN HARVEST FESTIVAL: Saturday, October 26, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
This festival is not organized by Someday School, but we'll have a booth there and will be doing free sensory activities with kids. There will be other booths there with even more activities, plus free pumpkins for everyone!
Donate your new or gently used children's and YA books, so that we can give them away to kids on
Halloween during Trick-or-Treat hours! Contact us to schedule a time for us to pick them up.
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